Generative design by Namide

Generative design by Namide

Damien Doussaud AKA Namide is a 28 years old French creative developer. He tries to induce an emergence by programming. His website is developed using Flash with 3D engine Minko. The 3D models and textures are only generated by algorithms that means these digital paintings are extremely light.
Namide uses this process to obtain emerging design, the scripts help him to create a graphic environment and each time you refresh the website’s URL, the world looks like the previous one, but it’s never exactly the same. The shaders create a colored fog when the user is in the forest, and a white fog when the user is in the clouds; In addition they automatically displaces grass, particles and foliages. The navigation through questions is also original, you can check his lab here if interested:

Generative design by Namide
Generative design by Namide
Generative design by Namide

In the same way, here’s is an experience from Field london with 10,000 unique digital paintings, created for a GFSmith Print Test brochure.


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